I love groupings on walls . . . . . it just feels complete and well planned. I have always been inspired by photos I find in magazines of different collections. I have a file folder full of clippings I have saved over the years. I can still look at them and each time see something new, something that inspires me to look around my own home and wonder where I could hang one more thing. Putting together groupings takes thought and planning. It is just the right mix of elements that makes it work. Most people are unsure of how to achieve this, so they don't try. They are often afraid the wall will get too busy or cluttered feeling. I see many people will try to fill the wall or space with one big thing, thinking this is the only way to fill the space, when many things would be far more interesting.
Things to consider:Hang objects that are like together, like a collection of plates or photos.

Think of common elements to make the grouping work, like using plates with a gold rim with a gold framed piece of art. This ties the two pieces together. Then mix in a gold relief to bring the whole thing together.

Using items of different materials, textures, etc. work together as well. Mix plates, iron, floral, and art to create an arrangement that is interesting.

Vary the size and shape of the objects. Round or oval plates with a rectangle picture can soften the edges and also add height and width to a picture.

Using a relief over a picture can add height and make the picture appear larger.
How to Hang a Grouping:1. Lay out items on floor. Add and take away. Analyze what you have to work with. Do you need something else? Try grouping it many ways.
2. Once you are happy with grouping, make a pattern out of paper of all items. Place on the wall and see if the grouping works in your space. Adjust the pieces if necessary.
3. Hang with appropriate hardware.
Don't be afraid to put a grouping together. If you are unsure of how to make it work, bring in a photo of the space or the element you want to start with and we will be happy to help you add other objects to it. Happy Decorating, Lisa
Luv the groupings!!! Great ideas. Loving your lamps and can't wait to see the new ones coming in!!
This is where I am right now. I am afraid to hang anything by myself because in the past I have done that and it didn't work. :(
I just LOVE the examples you have given here!
I just love reading your blog! You are so clever! Thanks for taking the time to "talk" to us non-decorators! :)
Oh my goodness...love them all! Do you sell any of the red roosters featured in the mantel photo?
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