Monday, January 31, 2011

Ugly Sofa?

Do you have an ugly Sofa?

If you do, this contest is for you!

Do you have the ugliest sofa in the world? Is it worn out, flattened out, stretched out, faded or just plain ugly fabric? If so, you can enter our contest.

Photo entries will be accepted during the month of February at First Fruit Collection. Bring us a picture any time during the month. All entries will receive a $100 gift certificate for a new piece of upholstery.

There will be the following prizes awarded:

Grand Prize: $1000 gift certificate

2nd Place Prize: $500 gift certificate

3rd Place Prize: $300 gift certificate

(The gift certificates will be redeemable for a new sofa.)

Contest Rules:

  1. The sofa must be in your residence. This means you cannot go to Goodwill to take a picture!

  2. One entry per household.

  3. All photos become the property of First Fruit Collection. Would you really want it back?

  4. Entries will be judged by our panel of designers. All decisions will be final.

  5. All photos will be on display for everyone to see!

  6. Prizes will be awarded the first week of March.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I got my first manicure when I was about 33 years old.
My friend Cathy gave me a gift certificate for a mani/pedi
for my birthday and I just about let it expire before I used
it. Finally . . . after much coaxing from my friend . . .
I made the appointment.

It was kind of nice to sit in the tall chair with my feet
soaking in the mini jacuzzi. I wasn’t quite sure I wanted
someone looking that closely at my feet . . . this was
years before I had my bunion and hammer toe surgery.

I have always had the ugliest hands and feet. Oh, it is
nothing I have done . . . I was born with them.
My sister used to call me “Turtle Toes” because my toes
reminded her of a turtle with the dry wrinkly skin.
And my hands always looked like a grandma with
dry, wrinkled, deep lines and the rough texture. When
I was a little girl, no more than three, we had to hold
hands at the close of the church service one Sunday.
I remember the woman on one side of me telling my
mother how rough my hands were. And it went
downhill from there. All my memories of my hands
and feet in my life have been people telling me how
old they look . . . for my age.

As I have gotten older, my age has kind of caught
up with my hand age. They don’t stand out as much
as they used to when I was younger. Now, at age
50, you would expect liver spots, translucent skin,
bulging blue veins, bony fingers and wrinkled skin.
So I guess things are looking up in this area of my
life . . . one good thing about getting older, my
hands look more normal.

Anyway, there is a point to me telling you all of this.
My designer friend, Brenda Crowder, came in and
did some shopping the other day. I mentioned my
ugly hands in our conversation . . . and she said
the sweetest thing . . . something I wish I had heard
earlier in my life. She said “They are not ugly hands,
they are crafty hands . . . there is a difference you
know.” Her words were so sweet and so true.

My hands are crafty hands! Over the years I have:

Sewn, scrap booked, cross stitched, painted, smocked,
french hand sewn, made hair bows, covered lamp shades,
embroidered, painted, floral arranged, made jewelry, gardened,
cleaned toilets, tubs, walls and floors, refinished furniture,
textured ceilings, removed ceramic tile, grouted ceramic tile,
hung curtains, pulled weeds, trimmed shrubs, defrosted
refrigerators and freezers, planted gardens, painted fences,
baked, kneaded dough, rolled out pie crusts, chopped nuts,
cut up chickens, chopped onions and celery, killed bugs,
cleaned windows, and many, many more things.

But these hands have also:

Held a crying baby, held a sick child all night long, held the
hand of a dying friend, waved goodbye to my last child
on her first day of school, opened them to my grand baby
when she took her first steps, fixed many ponytails, french
braids, and prom and wedding hairdos, cut everyone’s
hair, wiped tears and noses, tied and buckled shoes,
nursed scraped knees, elbows and chins, brushed teeth
while singing my own “Brush your teeth” song, petted
my dog, and loved my husband for almost 30 years and
folded them in prayer.

So you see, the way I see it . . . these hands are pretty
special to the people I love. Thank you Brenda for
helping me to see this so clearly.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Away to Market we go.....

We are back from the Atlanta Gift Show
We seemed to have endured the ice and the snow.

Our flight was on time even with the bad weather
Our luggage was not at all as light as a feather.

Our first stop . . . our favorite Christmas store
All they had to offer was such a bore.

Their decor was shiny and polka dot with a lot of pink
What would we do . . . what would you think?

What were we do do . . . our
spirits were low
What would we do . . . where would we go?

All we were seeing was seen once before
We can't have that . . . we wanted something more.

Shopping, searching, pondering, where was
our new look
Nothing was appealing . . . we still searched the book.

Finally we found a showroom with our new style
Myra, oh Myra put this in our file.

We had shopped for twelve long hours that day
Our new look is starting to come togeth
er I must say.

Begging our vendors for customs . . . made especially "just for us"
This needs to be longer . . . it is simply a must.

HA HA HA the Chinese man did say
But Lisa kept insisting, it must be this way.

A new look was found for these three tired girls,
Ashley, Myra and Lisa had lost all their curls.

Next Christmas you'll be happy and glad
That we shopped so hard . . . it wasn't so bad.

Market was fun . . . but we sure are tired,
Next year when it arrives, you will stand and admire.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome Back

Welcome back to our "Your Home Can Be Happy".
I have missed y'all so very much. I hope your
Christmas blessed and many memories were
made to be cherished for years to come.

Christmas with my first grand baby w
as priceless.
She is now 18 months old and enjoyed Christmas
very much this year. Having a child to enjoy all the
magic of Christmas with is one of the highlights of
the holidays for me this year.
youngest daughter Ashley became engaged this
Christmas as well. We are so excited for her and our
future son-in-law, Cannon Smalley. She is so happy
and busy making wedding plans. When? . . . well,
we are working on that. More to come about all
the details later.
Also, we wanted to let you all know that our money
from our Christmas Home Tour went to a girl whom
God laid on our heart to help this year. Her family
has had a hard year this year, and God laid her on
several hearts as the person to help. It was a blessing
to us to have the opportunity to spread joy to her this year.

Now, let's get down to business. Did you make a New
Year's resolution this year? Was it to lose weight, be
more organized, stop smoking, or exercise more? Most
people make them, but few keep them! Studies show that
if you can keep them until Valentine's Day, you will most
likely achieve your goal. It takes 6 weeks for something
to become a habit. Now that is not very long . . . is it?
Surely you can keep it going for 6 weeks . . . can't you?

If your goal is to be more organized in 2011, here are
some things that may help:

Label boxes with TRASH -DONATE - STORE

Take on one closet, drawer, or cabinet a day.

Put items in one of the boxes. Keep in a handy place.

NOTE: If you want to keep an item, but only use it once
a year, store it in attic with similar items. Put shelving
in your attic to neatly store these item.

If you haven't worn or used an item in the last year,
get rid of it. Don't save clothes that don't fit . . .
chances are . . . they never will. Don't save
them for a tacky Halloween costume either!
Don't save clothing waiting for them to come back
in style . . . if you wore them when they were
in style . . . you will be too old to wear them
when they come back around again!

Hope this helps you in your quest for organization.

This month our store special will be:

Tell the clerk at our store "My Home will be Happy in 20ll"
and receive 20% off any one regular price accessory this month.

Happy Decorating,
