I always look forward to seeing what is new, what is the latest trend or color, and all the shopping. It is a rush like no other. It is definitely work as you ponder what to buy, what color and how many to buy? Whenever you hear me say at market, "There isn't a number that is enough", that means I love it! Like last Christmas we sold the Santa hats to cover the backs of kitchen chairs ... that was an item that I claimed there would never be enough. Sure enough, we sold over 400 of them in two weeks and there were many of our customers that didn't get them. Sorry! :(
How many of an item to buy is one of the hardest decisions I face at market. I ponder how many people will like it as much as I do. I wonder if anyone will like it, if I am the only one that thinks this item is great. A good buyer will make or break a store! I have definitely learned that over the past 11 years.
The last two markets I have taken a new young addition, Ashley Toney, with me to market. She is 20 years old, newly married, and pursuing her degree in Interior Design. She has been so helpful to me in buying for the store ... she is amazing. she is teaching me what her generation is looking for in home furnishings. I realize the success of the future of First Fruit Collection is keeping our look fresh for all generations.
Ashley can communicate with me just with her facial expressions ... she doesn't need to say a word. I can tell if she likes an item immediately. Last market I purchased "Scary Bunny", as Ashley named him, and he still hasn't sold. I don't know what I was thinking, but there is something cute about him, right? Anyway; he will be marked down tremendously this week, so if you find yourself attracted to him, come see me this week and I will make you a deal!
Scary Bunny ........ Please take him home!
The items we purchased, with her input, last market .... they sold out immediately and we have reordered many times on these items. She has an eye for product that is amazing. She has a God given gift in Interior Design and we are very blessed to have her working with us. I look forward to seeing her blossom in this field.
This is a photo of all of us girls waiting for our delayed plane in the Atlanta airport. We finally flew out around midnight. A big thank you to all of the girls that made this weekend unforgettable.
You will see First Fruit Collection transform into a new store in the next few weeks, we came back with a new inspiration and look. Don’t worry . . . you will love it. First thing to do today . . . BIG SALE . . . we need room to put all our new finds. So, starting today, we will be marking down lots of merchandise. Be sure to come by and find a great bargain. This will definitely be our biggest SALE ever. The next step will be . . . . oh you’ll have to wait and see. First, we must move all this sale stuff. Then the changes begin. Stay in touch.
Happy decorating. Lisa
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