home in person and transforming it into a beautiful space.
The field of interior design allows me to always "think outside of the box",
something I am always doing. I wake up in the middle of the night with
an idea and am always anxious to implement it. With my current addiction
to Pinterest, the ideas are more numerous than the time I have to implement them.
I completed one project this past week for an 8 year old girl. This was for
her "big girl room". I used a combination of lilac, lime and teal. This was
one of my favorite projects because it was an unexpected color palette. I loved the way the room turned out and it will definitely grow with her for many years to come.
I have compiled 10 reasons for you to hire a designer. A designer is a must for anyone, with any budget.
1. Designers can save you money.
When you are making interior selections and decisions for one room or your
entire home, it can be overwhelming. You will be making purchases over a
period of time and not purchasing everything at one time. You must consider
all aspects of the project with each decision. With a designers assistace,
they can steer you in the right direction so the entire space can come together as a whole. Be honest . . . how many gallons of paint have you
purchased to repaint a room . . . and still weren't satisfied with the result?
With a designer's perspective, money can be saved, along with the countless
wasted hours. This leads me to my next reason . . .
2. Designers can save you time.
Think about all the time you spend shopping, purchasing, and returning
items A designer is able to see the whole project and the end result in
each piece she recommends. This saves you a lot of wasted time and
gas, and not to mention the gallons of wasted paint.
3. Designers can think outside of the box and give you a fresh perspective.
We can see things that others may not see and provide fresh ideas and unique perspective for a space. We can place furniture and accessories in a new place to give you a new look.
4. Designers create and work within a budget.
Designers develop and plan and a budget for each project. They can tell you on the front end exactly how much the project will cost before you spend the first dollar. This helps you plan your purchases over a period of time to get exactly what you want without any surprises.
5. Designers listen.
A good designer will listen to your ideas and thoughts for your space and then implement them into a beautiful space. Each project will reflect your style and taste and be personally fitted to you.
6. Designers push you!
A good designer will push you to think outside the box. They will also push you to make desicions that you have been putting off because of indecision.
7. Designers plan your space.
This is where we start. We first lay out existing pieces and then determine where to add new. This way you are not guessing at scale and porportion when purchasing new pieces.
8. Project Coordination and Contacts.
A good designer knows resources for painters, plumbers, electricians, artists,
faux finishers, trim carpenters, and many other trades. We have worked with these people for years and know their reputation. There is a lot of security in knowing who will be working in your home.
9. Designers have passion.
I eat and breathe interior design. It is all I know, from my blog to my business, design is what I know and what I do. I am not your neighbor or your sister with just an opinion. I am a degreed designer with 30 years of experience. I have painted walls the wrong color over the years and learned from all my past experience so you won't have to paint your walls the wrong color! I am a trained professional and I have a portfolio to show for all my hard work.
10. Your project will look like a designer had a hand in it.
Projects done with the assistance of an experienced designer somehow always stand apart from those that have been done without training. I can always tell when I enter a clients home, whether they have had help from an interior designer or their neighbor. There is just a coordinated flow to the space. There are also touches that only a designer would do.
I hope I haven't offended any of the "Do it Yourselfers" out there, and I hope you have learned that working with a Designer is attainable for anyone with any space and any budget. If you have a project you have been putting off, really not knowing where to start, or not really knowing what the project will cost, we are here to help you.
Please call the store at 901.861.7111 to set up your in-home consultation today. Design fees are $75 per hour. It will be the best money you ever saved!
Happy Decorating,