Sunday, October 21, 2012
Christmas Open House
Thursday, October 11, 2012
October Happenings
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Vesta Home Show- Beau Grandiose Domaine
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
So Many Things Happening...
As the weather begins to change and we say "Good-Bye" to Summer, First Fruit Collection is preparing for a VERY busy October! Our fall merchandise is out on the floor..we have arrangements, table runners, pumpkins, and precious owls just waiting for a comfy nest in your home! Not only is October our preparation month for Thanksgiving, it's the revealing of our Christmas Decor!! Our annual Christmas Open House begins October 22 and will end on the 27th. And, in order to make some extra space for this event, we will be having a SALE the first 2 weeks of October (1-20). Drum-roll, please.... 15% off all in-stock furniture!!
Next on the list is... the Vesta Home Show at St. James Place in Germantown. Although, we were not able to design the entire house, we have had the honor of contributing. All lighting, bathroom, and finish design has been completed by FFC. It has been such a fulfilling and fun experience! We'd love for everyone to come out to see our work and vote! The Vesta Home show begins October 6th and comes to an end on the 28th.
As a side note, Meredith and I are going to High Point Market in North Carolina from the 12-16th. Things will be trickling in upon our return! Perfect time to ask for a FFC Gift Card for Christmas.
Lets recap some dates:
*SALE*: October 1-20
Vesta Home Show: October 6-28
Market: October 12-16
Christmas Open House: October 22-27
Hope to see everyone around the store and Vesta show this month!
Happy Everything!
Ashley and the Girls at FFC
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Designer Tips
Designer DOs and Please DON'T
You do not have to be a degreed designer to have an 'eye' or 'knack' for interior design. With publications such as House Beautiful, Veranda, Architectural Digest, etc., as well as the new phenomenon of Houzz and Pintrest, distinguishing a well designed space is very easily spotted. This readily available information allows one to find his or her style, likes, dislikes, etc. Therefore, these days, it's not only accessible--it's affordable!
If I had a quarter for every time I hear, "I know what I like... I just don't know how to make it come together!", or, "I've tried so hard to make this ____ (insert your room here) work, but I'm just tired and out of ideas", I'd be a millionaire!! But, as I tell these people, it's okay! That is what a designer is for! You may know that you like but, we know how to execute your vision and make it all come together! Interior design is very much problem solving.
Here's a little insight as to what we, as designers, say are the 'Dos and Please Don't' to your projects:
Do keep everything classic and simple. You want to make your decisions last!
Do choose at least one piece that reflects you or your family.
Do make a room chic but also livable.
Do look at the whole picture--be realistic and decisive.
Do mix.. not everything has to match perfectly! A perfectly matched room can look over-designed.
Do keep an open mind when working with your designer... we do kind of know what we're doing ;)
Do re-purpose old pieces. But, spend the money to have it done correctly!
Do be clear about your budget (if one) before working with your designer.
Do mix your finishes.
Do update your paint and light fixtures/lamps for a quick update.
Do invest in artwork.
Do mix old and new, high cost and low cost.
DO invest in a good designer!! As designers, we are here to help you and work with your budget.
Don't get hung up on the tiny details, Remember the whole picture!.
Don't do everything at the same level of interest. Create contrast.
Don't buy mass-produced artwork.
Don't try to fill a room with furniture.
Don't put something on EVERY wall... Walls need to breathe and eyes need to rest!!
Don't paint before hiring a designer.
Don't ask for too many peoples' opinions (this will simply confuse you--Trust YOUR instinct and your designer!)
Don't over accessorize... less is more!
Don't be afraid to make changes!
On the last note.... when your are ready to make these changes... DO come to First Fruit Collection to set up your design appointment!! 901-861-7111
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
New Store Hours!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Have we told you about Meredith!?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
10 Accessories We Love!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Floor Sample Sale
Monday, June 4, 2012
Clearance Sale
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Interior Designers
home in person and transforming it into a beautiful space.
The field of interior design allows me to always "think outside of the box",
something I am always doing. I wake up in the middle of the night with
an idea and am always anxious to implement it. With my current addiction
to Pinterest, the ideas are more numerous than the time I have to implement them.
I have compiled 10 reasons for you to hire a designer. A designer is a must for anyone, with any budget.
1. Designers can save you money.
When you are making interior selections and decisions for one room or your
entire home, it can be overwhelming. You will be making purchases over a
period of time and not purchasing everything at one time. You must consider
all aspects of the project with each decision. With a designers assistace,
they can steer you in the right direction so the entire space can come together as a whole. Be honest . . . how many gallons of paint have you
purchased to repaint a room . . . and still weren't satisfied with the result?
With a designer's perspective, money can be saved, along with the countless
wasted hours. This leads me to my next reason . . .
2. Designers can save you time.
Think about all the time you spend shopping, purchasing, and returning
items A designer is able to see the whole project and the end result in
each piece she recommends. This saves you a lot of wasted time and
gas, and not to mention the gallons of wasted paint.
3. Designers can think outside of the box and give you a fresh perspective.
We can see things that others may not see and provide fresh ideas and unique perspective for a space. We can place furniture and accessories in a new place to give you a new look.
4. Designers create and work within a budget.
Designers develop and plan and a budget for each project. They can tell you on the front end exactly how much the project will cost before you spend the first dollar. This helps you plan your purchases over a period of time to get exactly what you want without any surprises.
5. Designers listen.
A good designer will listen to your ideas and thoughts for your space and then implement them into a beautiful space. Each project will reflect your style and taste and be personally fitted to you.
6. Designers push you!
A good designer will push you to think outside the box. They will also push you to make desicions that you have been putting off because of indecision.
7. Designers plan your space.
This is where we start. We first lay out existing pieces and then determine where to add new. This way you are not guessing at scale and porportion when purchasing new pieces.
8. Project Coordination and Contacts.
A good designer knows resources for painters, plumbers, electricians, artists,
faux finishers, trim carpenters, and many other trades. We have worked with these people for years and know their reputation. There is a lot of security in knowing who will be working in your home.
9. Designers have passion.
I eat and breathe interior design. It is all I know, from my blog to my business, design is what I know and what I do. I am not your neighbor or your sister with just an opinion. I am a degreed designer with 30 years of experience. I have painted walls the wrong color over the years and learned from all my past experience so you won't have to paint your walls the wrong color! I am a trained professional and I have a portfolio to show for all my hard work.
10. Your project will look like a designer had a hand in it.
Projects done with the assistance of an experienced designer somehow always stand apart from those that have been done without training. I can always tell when I enter a clients home, whether they have had help from an interior designer or their neighbor. There is just a coordinated flow to the space. There are also touches that only a designer would do.
I hope I haven't offended any of the "Do it Yourselfers" out there, and I hope you have learned that working with a Designer is attainable for anyone with any space and any budget. If you have a project you have been putting off, really not knowing where to start, or not really knowing what the project will cost, we are here to help you.
Please call the store at 901.861.7111 to set up your in-home consultation today. Design fees are $75 per hour. It will be the best money you ever saved!
Happy Decorating,
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May Special
Friday, April 20, 2012
First Fruit Collection Art Show
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Design Trends
We wanted to incorporate the new design trends in our store and mix them with the traditional country french furnishings you have loved for so many years. There is a lot of reclaimed wood, industrial elements, mercury glass, natural fibers, muted colors, and unexpected accents. Currents trends that are making statements in design are monograms on just about everything, solid color rugs, silver and gold accents, chevron, ikat and quatrefoil patterns, and tufted sofas.
You may be wondering if you can incorporate these new looks in your home. How can you update without getting rid of everything you have? We have heard many questions from our customers on how to get this new look in their homes. We have to address each home on an individual basis, depending on your particular style, but there are some simple ideas on how to update I will share with you.
Do you have a piece of furniture that could be painted with a new soft color? You may have a dated motif painted piece that is really dating your design.
Do you have all of your art under glass? Try using an original piece of art, such as an unframed canvas painting.

Do your floral arrangements still contain ivy, roses or magnolias? Are they dusty and tired? If so, it may be time to update those. Trends now are more natural florals with less mix of color.
Are your rugs making too bold of a statement? Try using a solid textured rug to soften the look of your room. Solid rugs make a space appear larger and give more focus on the furnishings.
Are your light fixtures dating your home? Are they shiny brass or have beveled glass on them that always looks dirty? Can you paint them or bust out the glass to update them. Lighting is like jewelry to your home, the final sparkling touch. Take a look at your lighting, it may be time to time to replace some of your fixtures.
We have great ideas and great designers at First Fruit to help you with your home. We love to see photos of your rooms to help you make your home beautiful. We can help with fabric and paint selections, window and bedding selections, furniture and accessories, and everything else that will make your home amazing.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

But we at First Fruit have a solution for your haze
Join us April 26th for a wine and art show
View great new pieces from local artists that you know
Keep the Piece, Sherrill French, and Vesela Baker will all be here
Also, Colleen Long, LeAnn Farris and Katie Toombs have no fear!
Lisa Hood’s pillow creations will make their debut
So on the 28th, from 2-8,we hope to see you!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
My daughter Kara had a good friend growing up who used to spend a lot of time in our home. She would often “sleep over” and the girls would play and giggle until the wee hours of the morning.
I overheard her tell Kara about visits with her grandmother, who lived somewhere up north, way up north, where car is pronounced caarrrr, and you want a pop? (aka as Coke) She told of spending the night on visits to her home and her grandmother would say in a very northern accent, “ Laura, you’ll sleep here on the davenport!” Laura would giggle, and explain how she never knew quite where she would be sleeping,
but always ended up on the couch.
Once, just a few years ago, at First Fruit, we had an elderly northern customer who also needed a davenport. She came to the counter and said “I need a davenport!” All the girls just looked at each other as though she was ordering a mixed drink or something. While they were trying to find the recipe for a “davenport”, I proceeded to show her our line of sofas, couches, divans, sleepers. lounges, fainting couches, sectionals, love seat, settees, and anything else that would fit her small frame.
Did you ever consider how many names there are for the same thing? Have you ever tried to act like you knew what someone was asking for when you had no idea at all. You pretend to follow the conversation, hoping secretly inside that the more they talk, somehow you will get enough clues to figure it out. You don’t want to appear dumb or uninformed, but you are totally clueless.Maybe it is just me . . . . .
Over the years at First Fruit we have heard many strange renditions of some of the following words:
Toile: Tulle, Tole, Twat (oh my)
Cache’ Pot: Cashiers Pot, Cash Pot, Tin thing with feet
Ikat: Eekat, Eye Dog, Squiggly runny southwestern print
Sconce: Scones, Bracket things
Matlesse’: Matsey, Mattingly, Quilt thing
Rush Seat: Grassy woven stuff, Woven cardboard rope, or wicker
Just thought you would like a little humor today. It goes to show that we all try new words from time to time, sometimes not quite sure how they are pronounced or the meaning. Hope this made you smile and think happy thoughts today. Now come in to see us at First Fruit . . . we have a lot of new davenports on the floor!
Happy Decorating,
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
What Makes a House a Home?
Home is the one place in your life that you can relax, curl up on the sofa or comfortable chair and just enjoy being there. I have those times where I just want to be home. I don’t want to go anywhere, sometimes not even get dresses all day. I just enjoy my home. I love working in my garden, crafting in my sewing room, cutting my grass in the summer, cooking in my kitchen, and I even enjoy cleaning my home. I know that sounds strange to you, but I really enjoy it. It is such a mindless task, so relaxing.
I know you all enjoy your homes as well. What makes you home special? It may be the cat in the window, the puppy curled up beside you on the sofa, your favorite magazine on the coffee table, the pile of shoes by the garage door, the smell of dinner in the oven, the sound of bare feet running down the hall calling for you.
Whatever it is that makes your home special, we hope that we are somehow part of what makes it beautiful to you. For 13 years now, First Fruit Collection has furnished many homes and made many friends along the way. We have enjoyed being part of making you homes “HAPPY”.
We are now beginning a new chapter at First Fruit Collection. We have just completed a total renovation of the store. I am so glad to be part of this new beginning. The Store looks amazing. I can hardly believe it is the same store. The changes are very impressive and the vignettes are so well designed, it helps to see the furniture grouping as you would see it in your own home. I absolutely love all the reclaimed woods and natural elements. All I can say is
I do hope to see all of you at the store on Thursday, March 1. Our hours are 10:00-8:00. We will have hourly door prizes, specials and treats for you to enjoy. Please come and see us. We have so missed seeing you.

Friday, February 24, 2012
Sneak Peek!
Lots of reclaimed furniture!
The crosses are amazing as always!
Be sure to come by on March 1 for our all day celebration.

Sunday, February 12, 2012
Finial Countdown Week!!
All In-Stock Merchandise is now
40% OFF
Excludes previously marked-down items
All merchandise is finial sale and no approvals will be permitted at these low prices
We will be open our normal hours this week. We will then close the store and get ready for the Grand Opening Party on March 1st. Be sure to stop by the store for your coupon for this special day.
Where oh Where is Vince?
Many of you have asked about where he has gone. He has opened the Dent Doctor back up. He owned and operated the Dent Doctor of Memphis for 15 years prior to working with us at First Fruit Collection.
He is now at Elite Auto on Poplar (HWY 57) just inside the Piperton town line. He is doing:
Paintless dent repair
Auto Dealing
Auto Washing
Windshield Wipers
Please stop by and see him, I’m sure he would love to see you and take care of your automobile.
His number is 850-9889
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
"Happy Valentines Day, Where is Your Heart?"
down, I find myself reflecting on all the years that have
come and gone and all the joys, heartaches, laughter,
births, adoptions, deaths, stories, diets, contests,
counseling, marriages, and most of all the memories
that are associated with this wonderful place. I step
down with an expectation of great things to come and
feel blessed to be part of a new chapter. I look forward
to my role as designer and employee. I will stand
beside Ashley as she takes on her role as owner, and
be there to hold her up as she gets settled in her new
position. I pray you will accept her and the changes
with anticipation and excitement.
I will continue to blog for “Your Home Can Be Happy”,
I still have much to say! One last thing I will say to
you is where is your heart? Does Jesus have a place
there. He came to live in my heart when I was 8 years
old. Ever since then he has been so real to me. He
has forgiven my sins and has a place prepared for me
in heaven to live eternally with Him. As our relationship
developed, he has responded to my concerns with
understanding and guidance. He helped me be a good
student, wife, mother, daughter and friend. He always
assured me that I was His and He loved me. He has
given me courage to take steps of faith and do things
I thought I couldn’t do on my own. I’ll admit I wasn’t
as faithful to our relationship as He was, but even in
those times I always was aware that I could call His
name and He would always respond. Over and over
again He has verified His realness, an inner voice inside
of me, knowing who He is and that He is real.
If you don’t have this personal relationship with Jesus,
you can. He is waiting for you to respond. It is as
simple as a prayer to ask Him to live in your heart and
forgive your sins.
True joy comes by walking daily with Him. He is my
joy, my strength and my salvation. I pray that He is
yours too.
Happy Decorating,
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Grand Re-Opening